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TOPIC: Cruisy Ride Marysville Sunday 8th Feb

Cruisy Ride Marysville Sunday 8th Feb 09 Feb 2015 10:14 #7966

  • Phil Randall
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What a great day!     Always great when the weather man gets it wrong in a favourable direction.    Seventeen of us assembled at the usual starting point, with a few new faces and good to see Michelle back after a slight off and hobbling around on crutches for a week or so.
          The Triangle has been graded quite severely over the last month or so and most of the tracks have become super highways, loose and dusty.  Preparation for the fire season, a few of the bog holes would not have allowed any sort of fire fighting gear.
          The area over behind the pub seemed like a good place to start.  Some flowing tracks to see how the new riders coped proved successful, the "race track" was superb, Dom Dom saddle came and went, so we crossed the road into the lower end of the Pine forests.   Well! what is left of them.  After the fires they cut so much down that they are now barren hills.
           A couple of my challenge hills were not so squeesy,  mainly due to lack of rain.   Dry clay is so much different.  And the creek was fun. Peter did it so many times he had a wet shirt for the rest of the day.  The western boundary road is always a good hoot and it did not let us down, however the northern section does not appear to have had a lot of use recently.   
          The next of my hills proved to be a bit time consuming with a couple taking the longer way round.   It was getting round to lunch time, a quick burst up Ures Spur seemed a good idea in the dry.  It is a great track, though we did have a flat rear tyre to fix, and then it was Buxton for lunch.
          Time was marching on,  I didn't want to spend too much time in the Triangle, but would go there on the way back.      Mohican track is fairly steep and clay.  I normally only go there in summer.  So what better  time!.     Up Mohican, down Whiting and back to Project Road.  Sounds good if you say it quick.    Sadly Andrews DRZ decided it would not play ball and we lost a lot of time, trying to roll start etc.  We back pedalled, crossed the highway and raced back to the cars along our newly created, totally faceless and uninteresting tracks to the cars.
          It was getting close to 5.00,  we loaded up our bikes, said our goodbyes and vamoosed.
          I had a great day,    Thanks to all for your participation and support.
Phil R. 
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Cruisy Ride Marysville Sunday 8th Feb 09 Feb 2015 15:49 #7967

  • Ted
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I had a great day  NOT THE NORMAL Phil's ride No Marysville, very little  triangle.

lots of dust dust and more dust  I even  managed to get on some cornors even if they were first after a stop.  most of the tracks had been graded but there are still a lot that are still good the little creek crossing was great 
Thanks again Phil for great day out 

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Cruisy Ride Marysville Sunday 8th Feb 09 Feb 2015 16:22 #7968

  • Peter R
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Thanks Phil for a Great Ride and Ted for Passing me more than usual.
That River Crossing was a blast, I recon I went through it about a Dozen times ending up wet as a shag from Head to Toe, even my boots were full of water, but it kept me cool for Hours.
A bit Dusty, but heaps of good traction in the over grown tracks, some good uphills and bugger all mud.
Good to see some old faces Steve " Grandpa" "Chris Mc Cran".
Thanks to Twisty for a Blast on the Beta 300,  Not my sort of Bike, VEEERRY Twitchy like your riding on Ball Bearings and power Band a bit full on.
Thanks Chris for doing Tail Duties.
I haven't been on a Marysville Ride for about a Year, but as always Phil puts on a Fabulous Ride.
PS:  Thanks Darren for doing Last Corner Man Duty for the Day, NOT the Smartest move Mate !!!
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Cruisy Ride Marysville Sunday 8th Feb 11 Feb 2015 15:34 #8027

  • Grandpa
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Thanks Phil, it was a great day out.
The dust in the afternoon was a bit interesting..... chasing Pete along one of the last talcum powder tracks, every time he hit some of the softer stuff, it was like a giant impenetrable curtain reduced visibility to about 2 metres ! 
The new, inexperienced riders did really well. Hope to see ém out again. 
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