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TOPIC: Black Range - Sun 3rd August 2014

Black Range - Sun 3rd August 2014 03 Aug 2014 20:21 #4014

  • Phil E
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I met Steve at the Glenburn servo then we headed to the Black Range unload area.
The air temperature upon arrival was a chilly -2 degrees. The skies were clear and there was not a breath of wind.

We saddled up and headed south to the Powerline track, up the ridge then did a few warmup loops. Our fingers were very cold at first however the loops soon got the circulation going and we had warmed up. We saw some patches of snow and took a pic for the ride report.

Next stop was the Stanley homestead and up the ridge road (Ginter Break). We started seeing more snow so took a few more pics. Next track was the creek track back down to the homestead. 

We then headed back up Ginter Tk then turned left to get onto Bullocky Spur track. This area is now more like Clubman level due to the number of trees that have fallen down recently. We  continued north then turned right onto Drangsholt Track. 
Time to transport along Black Range Rd and stop for a snack at the bottom of Stillmans Trk. There is a nice steep hill climb for about 1km. Steve got up first time. I foolishly dropped into 1st gear which lost me the required momentum. Once I started fishtailing and doing mono's it was all over. I rolled back down to a large erosion mound, turned around, selected 1st gear, give the old girl plenty of revs, dropped the clutch, banged it into second, kept winding on the throttle and looked toward to top of the hill. The bike was spitting rocks in all directions but the increased speed of my second attempt in 2nd gear solved the traction problem and got me to the top.

At the top we headed left down Boundary Tk. Some nice chaps have been busy clearing the logs from the top half of the track. However the recent wind has doubled the amount of fallen trees and branches at the bottom half of the track. Once we arrived at the bottom we headed south up the ridge Tk and both of us made it to the top of the steep part. We had our lunch at the top whilst taking in the blue sky and fabulous views looking north across the valley.

We continued south doing a few more loops before getting onto Black Range Rd then turning right down Ault Beac track (the one with the steep rocky downhill). 

We arrived back at the cars at 2pm having covered 65km.

Pictures follow as attachments. The "insert image" does not appear to work.
Last Edit: 03 Aug 2014 21:30 by Phil E.
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Black Range - Sun 3rd August 2014 03 Aug 2014 22:10 #4019

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Thanks for putting on the ride today. Sun, snow, mud, logs and hills, what else could you ask for on a Sunday morning.
Catch you on the next ride.
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Black Range - Sun 3rd August 2014 05 Aug 2014 23:58 #4102

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Last time i saw snow up there was back in 94
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