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TOPIC: HTFU training ride 3

HTFU training ride 3 20 Jul 2014 21:20 #3694

  • Willbar
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What a day, 7 of us met at 8.30 in the drizzling rain we set of , slippery slimee single tracks, roots, mud, clay, bog holes, glasses still fogging after a while, then we were on a bit of a single enduro loop which some nice person has cut inn when I almost had ahead on with a loose cannon coming the other way on a blind corner, quick chat about the size of there group we decided to wait for them all to come past.
Into the loop I sent Zeb off to lead following the green dots on the trees but he managed to find a bit we had not found before but a quick call on the radio and they where coming back, around we went again but this time the fast 5 where gone again. On the radio and 15 minutes of searching we found them on a track I had never ridding, u beuty but Pommy Mats Husky was not happy cutting out under laod, 30 mins of checking and it was running ok so we headed back towards the single loop close to carpark just incase, as we where hooting along on a nice open trail next minute me and my front wheel was arguing with a wallaby that decided to cross in front of me, I remember saying to it when I first saw it was "your not running fast enough for me to miss u you little black bugger" I was off the bike, on the bike, off the bike, on the bike and eventually came to rest against an inbankment, boy what a ride, lots of lughs from those directly behind me and a WFT from the rest.
Dusted off and adjusted hand gaurds and bars best I could and we where off again, by the time we reach the loop I was feeling a bit average but we did the creek crossing which was now a river crossing, took about 20mins to get us all a cross, decided to have a rest but with cold wet feet was feeling worse, but on we went a bit more when I decided to send some off on a loop with Mat whilst me and some others retired, but this is where some real laughs where had as the DSE had dug a large ditch at the start of a favorite clay climb, well as Zed had a go it gobbled him and his bike so it was of to his rescue, then Mat tried a different line to no luck hen Redron showed us how an ex motorcrosser does it and on a 12 inch ridge phlat out in 2nd gear the 450 just bounced up the hill till the second errossion mound where he and the clay shook hands as his fast travelling 450 spat him off.
Zed had worked out where Mat had gone wrong and around and up he went, Mat followed and so did James, as Ron came back down I asked the other two if they where going up, Fuk that was the reply and the 4 of us headed for the cars, it was about 1.30 and we had about 50klms on the speedo as we waited for the others about 45 mins for them to complete the loop we changed and loaded up. Thanks everyone for coming, I did enjoy most of the day but did struggle after the couple of instances, but we will go out soon and get a whole day in before the main ride in just over a months time.
It is only when a mosquito lands on your balls that you realise there is always a way to solve problems without using violence
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