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TOPIC: Neerim South Lvl 1 - 25th Nov

Neerim South Lvl 1 - 25th Nov 27 Nov 2018 16:28 #28369

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Thought I'd better put a ride report up seeing as no-one else has done so yet.
The morning started off very overcast, and although there was a constant gloomy feel to the day, it didn't actually rain until we were all packed up and ready to head off home in the afternoon. Al had predicted dust by the afternoon, and he was right - there was a tiny bit floating around on the higher elevation tracks.
12 riders fronted up for the ride, with a mix of different bikes - a mid-eighties TT600 (not mine), DR650, XT660R, my little AJP, and the usual suspects on their KTMs, YZs and WRs
Scott gave the mandatory spiel on how to behave on the tracks, and an overview of the cornerman system, and then it was onto the bikes for a leisurely cruise around. The tracks were slippery in places, with a number of large puddles formed in the lower lying areas.

4 kms into the ride, Jarrod, on his shiny looking Yamaha Xt660R, found that the road-biased tyres on his bike had some serious limitations in the wettish conditions, and dropped it on a downhill section. The windshield and RHS fairing came off worse for the fall, but at least the rider was fine.
The tracks and pace were nice and relaxing for the morning, with no other major incidents. After around 40kms, we headed back to the cars for a lunch break. At this point, a few blokes decided to head home, so the number of riders fell to 9.
The pace picked up in the arvo, and the tracks became a little harder. This seemed to suit the remaining riders just fine, and there was certainly a bit of dicing happening at times.
We managed another 44 kms for the afternoon session, again with no major incidents - although Ted did try his best to do a 'stranded turtle' impression near the end of the ride, lying backwards on his back in a rut, half under his bike, with arms and legs waving in the air.
84 kms in total for the day, and smiles all around (though maybe not quite so much for Jarrod). Home in the daylight, bike washed and ready for it's next outing.
Thanks to Scott for organising and running the ride, and to Phil and Al for being our tailmen for the day. 
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Neerim South Lvl 1 - 25th Nov 28 Nov 2018 07:38 #28383

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My first Scotty lead ride, and he did good.
The slick conditions had me smiling :)

Was a little worried for Jarrod on his XT660, with its dirt slicks for the day as it was going to be muddy. I did get an appreciation for our other adventure riders after picking the XT up a couple times.
The day flowed well, had to get used to the late start and relaxed pace a bit. And the fact i was geared up and ready before anyone else had even arrived. Had a great day and tied to help out were i could and ride through the group in a courteous manner. After lunch the pace picked up for a bit and we did a great whooped track which was fun, i really enjoyed this track. At about the half way point i heard some yelling and complaining coming from my left boot, suck it up i shouted back until about the 3/4 track point where after arguing with my ankle a compromising sitting position was taken. I then asked Phil if he would like to give up the coveted yellow tail man jersey, and i behaved all the way home.
Was great to see old and new faces on the ride, and the smile on Scotty's face as his found the joy in been a ride leader. Thanks for the day mate and to Phil for tail man.
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Neerim South Lvl 1 - 25th Nov 30 Nov 2018 08:46 #28411

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Thankyou Scotty for a good day out, also Phil for tailman-ing.   Really appreciated the civilized start time which let me snooze in for a while before cranking up the dinosaur DR & riding up to Neerim South.
Rather glad I put some Dunlop 606 tyres on, otherwise I might have been keeping Jarrod company lying in the mud ! Overall, I am pretty impressed with the dinosaurs ability on the trail, certainly the sheer weight & momentum is something to contend with, but the previous owner spent $$$$ on suspension, so it tracks straight & actually didn't mind getting some air over the erosion humps.  ( helluva lot better than the Beta Xtrainer !!!!!)     
I've been bike-less for a while so it was great to be back out on the trails with a good bunch of blokes.. 
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Neerim South Lvl 1 - 25th Nov 30 Nov 2018 09:53 #28412

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Oh, forgot to mention............................ didn't bother trying to fit rim locks............... just left the back tyre at  25psi   !!! it's a big sucker & grip in the slop was fine.

Graham sends his apologies for not turning up !! 
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Neerim South Lvl 1 - 25th Nov 05 Jan 2019 16:26 #28660

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Mate I sat behind that Dr of yours for about 30 seconds until you cracked the throttle and showered me in boulders lol great ride but, thanks again Scott.
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