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TOPIC: Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17

Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 06 Mar 2017 17:14 #20362

  • Willbar
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Friday Ride.
In attendance for the Friday ride was Ted, Gary, myself, Lefty, Paul A, Frankie, we headed out of the back gate of the property at around 11.50am but within a couple of KLMs Gary decided that his bike did not want to go ridding today as he could not find the power band. He headed back to diagnose and fix and the rest of us too off p Yellowman Tk and then into Boundary Tk to Mnt Ray rd and right into Howard Tk  and Left into Calajero and left into Davey Knob Tk and left into Insolvency Tk and onto Bullants for a trip down to Freestone Creek Rd where we turned left and up the road a bit to the pick nick tables where we turned right at Lees Creek Tk and did some of the many Creek River crossings for the weekend, however this was a little disappointing as most where dried up. We then headed for Lyod Knob Tk where we started heading for home via Winkie Ck Rd and Insolvency and Stony #1 and 2 and Boundary and back down Yellowman arriving back at the farm just on 3.30pm with 95klms on the trip meter. Due to some recent showers the grip was awesome, the trails where awesome as was the company of my fellow riders.
We loaded our bikes on trailers and some basic maintenance for the Saturday ride and whilst we settled into some fine drinks and food and hot showers as we waited for the others to arrive.

Saturday Ride.
In attendance we had a full house, Myself, Hamish, Frankie, Gary, Ted, Lefty, Scotty, Paul, Pommy Mat, and Lynton.
We where up early as it was a 1/2hr car trip to the start point and we where meeting Lynton their at 8am.
We left just after 7.30ish and got to the bottom of Mnt Angus Tk just after 8 where we fond Lynton pumped and rairing to go for a ride.
As we where all getting ready Lefty discovered that he had left his boots back at camp, No problem Leftee off you go we wil be hear when you get back. than all of a sudden Scotty says what size are you, 13 he says, no problems here are a pair I packed just in case and out pops Scottys sons boots, perfect fit and all.
We set off just before 9 up mnt Angus Tk and turned left into Huggetts Rd and got to the crossing just around 9.45 a quick regroup and a few laughs and we where off up to Lower Block Tk and down into the best part of the ride the majority of the river crossings along Ben Crauchan Ck Tk and then left into Avon Tk and followed that to Mnt Margaret Tk and onto Mnt Margaret to the RH turn at Hickeys Ck Tr. At the turn point it was discovered that Paul had overused his Rekluse clutch and was needing some adjustment but had ran out of adjustment on the clutch cable so we removed the Clutch leaver from the cable to close up the internal clearances and some guidance on the use of a Rekluse and hitting the steep ups with a lower gear and more momentum and he got home fine.
We headed down Hickey Ck Tk and turned right into Dolodrook Tk and was going well until the stair case. I stopped before it to try and stop some to give advice but most just sailed past, Lynton was 1st to go up and not make it due to bad bounce, Mat rode up, Frankie had a but did not have enough momentum and came back for another go but had a bad bounce like Lynton and ended up doing the walk of shame. Ted had a go and had a terrible bounce and rolled back down so he had a small stroll of Shame, Lefty rode straight up as did Hamish as did I and Gary and Scotty. Paul had one go and went back down for a second go and rode straight up.
We finished Dolodrook and headed back to Avon Tk for Lunch. After a quick bite and rest we where off once again up Avon Tk and Avon Rd looking for a Tk we wished to check out called Avon Turton Divide Tk as most of us was waiting at the intersection for a while we starting thinking Hello what's happened and then we heard Gary on the radio, Ted had come off his bike and hurt his Shoulder and can we all come back but he was still ridding towards us incase we cannot hear him.
That sinking felling in the stomach, I hate it, anyway as we where heading back we caught up with Gary, as we headed back I was working out ok I have my works Dmax 4wd with its road tyres I hope we can get it in and out, I need Mat to come with me as he can ride one bike back and come back in the car to get the second bike, I need to leave my trailer and bike back in the bush so Hamish can come too. So once back at Ted we quickly worked out, yep Wills plan will work so the 3 of us headed back to get the Dmax, it was about 25klms back to the cars so quick change into sivvees for me and gave Hamish some sun screen and my camel back and some food and cloths and said make yourself at home we are going to be at least 2 hrs but get yourself out of the sun into some shade.
Mat and I headed off in my 1st 4wd adventure and I got to tell you its a crap way of travelling in the bush, give me a bike any time. Anyway it was a slow 25klms down big steep inclines and up bigger ones but after about 45mins we where with them and had Ted loaded and some direction put in place for the rest of the group where to stop along the way and wait for Ted and I.
As I had to do a U Turn I took the car out of 4wd and into 2wd to turn easy and we took off but at the 1st Sandy climb I was stuck. Mmmm role back down very carefully a bit as the front of the car was slidding towards the edge. Look for low and discovered  only in 2wd so select 4wd and we where off, the trip back was just as bumpy and slow and steep but we all got safe and sound, Hamish had made himself a tent with the bikes and my trailer ramp and cloths was sleeping in the shade happily.
We got back 1st as Lynton had a flat on the way back.
I must say the Standard Dmax with road tyres was very impressive how it handled the bush trails.
Everyone got changed and loaded, Teddy did not want to go to the hospital so back to the farm at 6pm a quick shower and more nice drinks and Gary cooked the best Pizzas money can make.
Midnite it was decided it was time for bed so we all headed off. We managed just on 100 for Saturday ride.

Sunday was another early rise, I was having to go to Bairnsdale to get a trailer electrical plug as I had lost mine on Saturday morning so no ridding for me, Hamish also opted out of the ride as he was tired, Mat decided he should take the Kids for a ride. Paul went home and Frankie opted out of the ride. Gary, Lynton, Lefty and Scotty headed off for a ride so that will be their story. 

Ted has a broken shoulder but a big smile on his face from such a great weekend as I am sure most others had a great time, I know Hamish and Mat and I had a awesome weekend.
It is only when a mosquito lands on your balls that you realise there is always a way to solve problems without using violence
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 06 Mar 2017 19:52 #20363

  • Frankieboy
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Not much I can add to what Wilbar has already said.

So sorry to hear off Ted's,injuries, he's a tough bloke, we asked him how he was feeling after his big crash, his reply was, it doesn't hurt, I can't lift my arm up that's all, it only hurts when I try to lift my arm up, now I see he had a broken shoulder, what a man !!
I hope you heal up soon mate, I know you love the HC, when you are well enough we will have to get out in the high country again.

The ride was great, the dust was bad,after the bulldozer had been working on the tracks, the little bit of rain we had on Friday didn't fall on the tracks we did on Saturday, in places I could just see the wheel ruts through the powdery dust, in those conditions it's best to ride close to the rider in front or drop right back, it was a great weekend, Max had a ball as well, a big thanks to Wilbar & Gary for putting this weekend on, & thank's to the rest of you for making this weekend so good, plenty of drinks & laughs.
Don't mess with old bikers, they don't just look crazy. :)

My first motor bike ride at the age 13, 58 years later I'm still riding.
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 06 Mar 2017 21:14 #20368

  • colinp
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Great report Will, other than Ted's injury it sounds like a fantastic weekend. Colin
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 06 Mar 2017 21:20 #20369

  • Willbar
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colinp wrote:
Great report Will, other than Ted's injury it sounds like a fantastic weekend. Colin
We missed you heaps Col but It was a great weekend even though we missed u mate looking forward to having u along on the next one
It is only when a mosquito lands on your balls that you realise there is always a way to solve problems without using violence
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 06 Mar 2017 21:38 #20370

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Thanks Will, the problem is resolved for the moment. He lost his licence for a further six months so he has gone back to Queensland, at least that prevents him from driving in Victoria. 

Really looking forward to the next ride. Colin
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 07 Mar 2017 10:10 #20373

  • lefty
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Dito, dito. Great weekend as Will has pointed out, after holding court on saturday night it was going to be a ripper Sunday as the rain started to fall throughout the night.
Up at 8, geared up ( with my boots ) and four of us headed out just after 9 am. I'll let Gary name the tracks that we took, give him a poke Will,  but they were in pristine condition with a light covering of the wet stuff. We rode through some light mist and clouds until the sun ventured out towards lunch time. Only a few short regroups until Lynton Flat got another flat rear and can you believe the perpetrator was a bloody flat head screw driver, what are the chances of that.
Back on the bikes and the pace picked up again and with an hour to go it started to rain, but still about 23 degrees so no stress. I even passed Lynton heading up a hill climb, go me...
Back to camp around 1.30 with 108ks on the clock and another pissa day, fantastic loop Gary please keep this for next time.
Left over pizza for lunch, feels great to be alive.
Oh, I wasnt going to mention it but Lynton got bogged on the way out of the property in his Mazda. Need to give it more gas mate ;).
PS, I had a mousse tube in the rear of my FE450 and it failed on Saturday, lost all integrity had a 15cm "flat spot" and 10cm tear. For $150 and only got 400k's out of it, they can jam them.

PSS, get well soon Ted.

Lefty out.
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 08 Mar 2017 08:02 #20378

  • Gary Clarke
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Friday, no ride for me :( power valve adjusting rod had come loose on the trusty WR300,

Saturday, Thanks Will for a great ride, was a tad dusty at the back, all was going well Ted was riding like a 21 year old on his new bike until he had an off going up a steep section of track , falling hard on his right shoulder, luckily we were only 25km from the cars so Will returned in his 4 x 4 and gave Ted a ride out,  thanks to all for helping out.

Sunday,  4 x riders , we left the property at about 9.00am, I lead them on one of my favorite loops, out to Castleburn then back along Freestone creek, it has a good mix of tracks, from  running the creeks and gullies, big downhills "Scotty ran out of brakes !", long up hills and some freshly dozed fast flowing tracks, we had a little bit of rain overnight so no dust, only issue was Linton having a flat tire caused by a screwdriver of all things, 108 km , back to camp around 1.30pm, then off home.

Thanks everyone for a great weekend, cheers Gary
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 10 Mar 2017 18:09 #20430

  • Frankieboy
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When Lynton had his flat tyre on Saturday, as usual everyone was happy to give advice on how to change the tyre, me included :) my advice was to start at the security bolt, they looked at me & said you mean rim lock, I know that these days people call them that, but back when I was a lad, we called them Security bolts, I could see that they has doubts, so just to prove that I'm not going around the bend yet :)

Don't mess with old bikers, they don't just look crazy. :)

My first motor bike ride at the age 13, 58 years later I'm still riding.
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 11 Mar 2017 11:28 #20443

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Yeah, pretty sure your going around the bend Frankie.

Anywho, were  Max and I the only two who participated all days in the three day event. Whop, whop go us.
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Avon Wilderness 3/3/17 to 5/3/17 28 Mar 2017 16:30 #20680

  • Ted
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It was one of the best rides I have been on except for a little fall broken shoulder off to Thailand following week saved my voice till the plane had a bumpy landing but I cant wait till I can get back on the bike more practice thanks to everyone for putting the ride on

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