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TOPIC: 8/2/2014 HCR Pre_Ride

8/2/2014 HCR Pre_Ride 17 Feb 2014 22:06 #670

  • David Smith
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Abbeyard  hcr pre ride.

Well as it was going to be hot I had a great idea of getting up and leaving at 6 so we would be back before the heat.

All was good we were on the bikes at 6 and out the gate headed down the road to shiltz track went through the first river then round the corner 2nd gear 3rd gear - wombat, yes the stupid bloody thing ran out in front of me so I ended up straight over the bars. after about 10 minuets I got up limped around looking for my furry friend but he had cleared off.

assessed me and the bike.
Me - very very sore.
Bike - broken clutch mater cylinder.

Tim suggested we go back (should have listened to Tim) but I haven't been riding for a while so I said lets see how we go.
another 30ish klm into the ride I changed the way we were going with a v-line back to the property.

With about 100km for the day and Tim waiting about 20min for me to get to the last corner it was a vey slow day.
once back I hobbled off the bike and once I sat down I couldn't move, once the pain meds kicked n we got some work done around the place then hit the river then worked some more after dinner when I was cool.

After a week of pain and seeing doctors the list is ,
Dislocated collar bone.
Broken rib.
Other ribs bruised
Bruised hip.
Pinched spine.

Post ride in Injuries,
Sore back of the bead -  happened after I told the wife I hit the wombat.

Morel of the ride report,
Don't get up early and go riding the wombats aren't in bed yet
Don't tell the wife you his a stupid wombat.

Cheers Dave
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8/2/2014 HCR Pre_Ride 18 Feb 2014 09:06 #684

  • Michael N
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Hi Dave. That list of injuries explains why it looked so hard getting on and off your tractor. You did really well getting the amount of work done that you did.
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8/2/2014 HCR Pre_Ride 18 Feb 2014 14:19 #695

  • David Smith
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Really im just being a nancy boy and should not have anymore time off work due to minor brusing.
Might take up cycling....
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8/2/2014 HCR Pre_Ride 18 Feb 2014 15:37 #699

  • nathanstott
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Take up cycling if you want, but dislocated bones, broken ribs, bruising and a pinched spine are a lot less painful than wearing lycra and shaving your legs,
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