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TOPIC: Three Bridges

Three Bridges 02 May 2022 20:16 #35655

  • Stuart
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Sunday saw the weather clear after Friday/Saturday rain. 18ish guys arrived bright eyed & bushy tailed ready to see what Jeff had lined up for us.. Headed off & tackled a couple of tighter tracks which were greasy & rocky followed by fast flowing tracks.
 Jeff did warn us about the black clay however one person came into a corner a little hot & gravity got the better of him. Thank goodness there was no serious injuries  & we continued onto the pub for lunch. 
Mostly open trails on the run home, heaps of erosion mounds & we were all done & dusted by 3:30.
Thanks for putting on the ride Jeff, had a ball. Big shout out to Mark who was tail man for the entire day, sorry to hold you up.
Thanks to all who attended & made it such a great day.
Cheers Stuart 
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Three Bridges 02 May 2022 20:59 #35656

  • Jeff Grogan
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Yes massive thanks to Mark Judkins , on duty at the back

We had a few new faces along and 4 riders from another group id invited 

perfect conditions on all tracks 

I was huffing a puffing about 150m up the first hill 

One young fellow fell over into a puddle right in front of about 10 of us at the top of the first track , ( but noone tried to embarass or cheer) 

Someone asked if wed seen a bambi, about halfway through , and 10mins later i had one running beside me , a fat 4ish YO , i grabbed the brakes and hoped she didnt turn left, and then it bolted up a bank to the right and disappeared , I had 2 riders right behind and tooting , quiet funny really

THen i must have sat on my desert fox and it sprung a leak , so did  tank top ups to save as much as we could at a regroup.

Had a random rider join us at that point , heading to the pub, It was Ian Robbos nephew Paul , shared a few stories and bike related yarns ,  and reminisced on mutual friends in the bike scene, and helped quiken the pace alot as he stuck his wheel in front 

Pretty much raced back to the cars on flowy tracks, corner man worked all day and didnt loose anyone , although we plenty of riders to spare 

One rider said hed fallen off about 20 times on a couple of challenging sections and another said 90% was great 

Great to be back out there after 5 months off it 

Always good to see father /son combos too 
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Three Bridges 02 May 2022 21:46 #35657

  • flipper
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Thanks for a great day out Jeff!

I was a bit concerned when the first 5 kms consisted of very tight twisty tracks - I couldn't see myself lasting for 140kms of that sort of terrain throughout the day. Thankfully there was a respite from the narrow stuff after that, and I could get my body temperature back down.

Was a bit slippery in the morning, but nice and tacky by the arvo after the sunshine had done its job. Endless jumping over the erosion culverts was a hoot! Good to see that the pub meals were still top class too.

I'm not very 'riding fit' at the moment - my body is certainly reminding me of it today!

Thanks also to Mark for being tailman for the whole day. I'm guessing he witnessed a bit of carnage throughout the ride.
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Three Bridges 03 May 2022 19:15 #35659

  • jco1
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Thanks Jeff for yet another great ride - you always host a beauty! So good to see a large group hitting the trails and flowing well throughout the day. Also, thanks to Mark for running tail for the whole ride and hear, hear to the Father and Son combo… BIG thumbs up to that!! Cheers, Jase 
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Three Bridges 04 May 2022 20:01 #35669

  • markjudkins
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Thanks for another most enjoyable day Jeff.
It was pretty greasy for the first couple of hours and there were some challenging tracks. There are advantedges to being tailman in that you don't have anyone up your clacker and you also get the opportunity to observe the riders different techniques and lines used  to overcome the obstacles. Obviously some work better than otherd and there is a lot of entertainment to be had. Experience and skill / fitness levels soon become apparent as well.
Lunch at Reefton pub is always good.  
Cruisy ride back after lunch with no issues. Great to have my son along. Thanks all.
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Three Bridges 04 May 2022 21:21 #35672

  • Benhayes
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As usual excellent ride Jeff, than you!
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